Monday, July 21, 2014

I need to put my Under Construction and to work on some things.  Change the tone.  Instead of always blogging on here when I am upset.  I decided to write those feelings down with pen and paper.  I want to keep this blog focused on experiences, desires, and wants.

Teamwork & Encouragement.

Last Sunday, King and I completed a 5K obstacle mud run.  When King initially told me that He was going to sign up for the race, I was in full support mode.  I wanted to be there on the sidelines cheering Him on and there to congratulate Him for His hard work when he He finished.  When He asked if I would do it with Him, I had thought, that would be an even better opportunity to support Him.  By His Side!

I wanted us to be both mentally and physically ready to tackle this challenge together.  I admit, I did not know what to expect during this obstacle run.  I knew that I didn't want to get muddy but that was minor in comparison to the other challenges listed in the race.

Leading up to the event, I was so proud that King had taken the initiative to search out and sign up for the mud run.  It showed me a lot of things in regards to His openness to try new things, steps to better health, and His determination to get it done by sticking to His word. 

We had a few goals; complete the race, with no injuries, within an hour.  Boo-Yow! We accomplished them all!

I didn't anticipate so much running.  I wasn't ready for all of that but I am glad that King kept me motivated in the first leg of the run.  He continued to talk with me so that I could push myself to jog and not fall back on walking like I normally do.  I think I was ready to say forget this until we got to the first water station.  Somewhere after that, I was able to get a boost and find a place of comfort to go with a stride.  The obstacles were pretty decent for us both and I am sure that it was the running portion that kicked our butts. 

I liked our teamwork together and how we motivated each other throughout the run.  We never left the other too far behind and waited for one another after each obstacle.  Our goal for next year is to finish within 45 minutes of completion. So we have to physically train and push through mental barriers that may exist.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Speak your mind

When you know you are being observed, do you censor yourself or put on a show?

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Patience is as patience does

Have patience and await for the unknown outcome or make changes now that will put you on a different path, which the outcome is also unknown. 

When you invest, you want to wait and watch what you put your time and energy into, to grow and prosper. Then times you want to call it a loss and start over. Would one be a quitter or selfish for the latter....when is too long, too long. Whose standards are you comparing to. Just can't give up. Fear of the unknown outcomes. Realize that one will never know the master plan. Can't force the hand in your favor. The grass is always LOOKS greener on the other side. That's because it's AstroTurf. No authenticity to its seeds or roots. GMO looks better than home grown. Your baby that you "invested" in. Blood, sweat, and tears "grown". Sacrificing, back breaking, and compromising "grown". Why is it that we get down on our knees and pray for something. Then once it is delivered in it's infancy we want to throw and cast it away before it has fully ripened or matured. Then again, how do we know it's not a preparation for what's to come and was never meant to be kept til full maturitiy. How do we know?!? No one has an answer because the combination of every factor is unique to you. Like a fingerprint or DNA. No replica. A story CAN be told but the story can never be replicated accurately without revisions or omissions. If you weren't there then you just were not there. The answers and decisions comes from only 1. Do you go with your gut? Do you go with your heart? Do you go with logic? Or do you seek guidance from the Almighty? How can you tell the difference? Where DO the answer comes from? All mixed up.

What started as a FB status turned into a blog into unanswered rhetorical questions. Guess I'll listen for the answers in the wind.