I desire/need for him to share with me. Talk to me about randomness without me asking. I desire to be in a relationship but I'm not sure if that falls within the two month list. I've been reading and I've learned to accept that I don't set the timeline. Things happen if they are supposed to happen when He wants them to happen. So that is why I just leave things alone and just let things flow. Rushing and forcing things before its ready can lead to chaos. No foundation, which will cause it to crumble. I don't want that to happen. Needs? I think I have more desires than needs. Need is a strong word. It seems as if I need something then I wouldn't be able to function without it. Like I need water. I don't think I want to feel this desperation or clinginess of being needy. I desire. However, in order for a relationship (no matter the dynamics) to sustain it needs certain elements. I won't say that there is nothing that I need from someone but more so what we need. Needs: cohesiveness, continuance of open communication. Pretty much, I want to learn more about King as a whole. Sometimes, I wish that he had blog's that I could read.
I guess I am pretty simple and I know that I am selfless in a lot of ways. I desire King to conquer the goals that he sets for himself.
Desires: I desire affection. Acknowledgement, not all the time but there have been times when I'm like "Dag, I feel like a side Jone" (I guess that's how those Philly cats spell it). I can say it's not a big deal but I have felt some type of way once or twice. Ehh.....and then I get over it. Desire. I desire.
The later it gets I realize I can sum this up.
My desires from king all relate to an emotional stroke of some form. My desires come from my heart.
My needs come from my brain. They revolve around logical planning and thoughts of the future (mine or anyone else's). Health, stability, habits, commitment, drive, goals, etc. These are things that I need to know exist.
I can't believe that it is 2:53 AM. Grrrrr, I blame Netflix. Goodnight.