Monday, December 10, 2012

I enjoy his surprise visits. Actually I think he only surprised me a few times because once he starts giving me instructions, I pretty much conclude that he is on his way. Last week he surprised me by calling and saying open the door. I didn't think I would see him this past weekend but I was excited when I found out he was on his way. I think I was getting spoiled seeing him 2 or more days out of a week weekends were kinda like oh, I know that we will be chilling together. So I was kinda bummed when I thought this weekend would be different. It all worked out tho :D I was super excited. I already knew the next time I saw him would be an intense session. I didn't know how awesome it would be. I should have known. It had been a while since we last had a session that intense. I enjoyed every bit. The entire day was wonderful.