Thursday, May 24, 2012

Dark Urine

Text received from King to pee in a cup and place on my desk. I was nervous thinking I would spill it and get all over my suit jacket. Damn, I didn't even take my vitamins and it's yellow. This means more water. Yikes!!! I have 5 more cups to go in an hour and a half.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

There once was a man that stumbled upon a treasure. Wrapped in a beautiful box. He took the box with him and protected it. He cared for the treasure, nurtured it, and helped it grow. The man didn't tend to the garden frequently letting it run wild with no maintenance.
And then the treasure sat on the shelf like a genie in the lamp. No one could rub her the right way to get her to come out. That is until she met Him. Til she met King

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Time, Consistency, & Patience

I feel myself opening up more to Him.  My goal is to always respect Him and treat Him like the King that He is.  To Please Him in all ways not just sexually.  I want to know the areas that I need improvement and understand how I should work on improving them.  Time, consistency, and patience and I will be the painting on the canvas, the image of Your desire, Your vision of perfection. 

I remember there was a time that what I saw I did not like.  Then I learned to see what he saw.  Now I still see but I am looking through a different set of eyes. His eyes!  When I think of Him I smile. Imagining His eyes on me.  His eyes.  The strong seeing the strength.within.  I love what He sees and I want Him to always be pleased at what he sees on the exterior and when He stares into the depth of my soul.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

15-minute Break

Standing at the food truck while my coworker ordered her food listening to her ramble about office stress. Feeling the breeze. Thinking about those panties I left sitting on my desk. I am feeling good right now. Real fucking awesome. The warmth, the wetness and the tickling sensation I felt running down the inside of my right thigh. I excused myself from my coworker as she continued to talk to all standing near that pretended to listen. I walked a few feet away tilted my foot and lifted my dress just enough to see the juices running down. My goodness. I don't have any napkins and I don't want to use my hands. I ignored it and walked back to the truck. More released. :o I walked away and looked again. I smiled and took a picture to share the moment with Him. I felt a breeze and just like that my scent was in the air. I'm aroused. My nipples are hard. I pressed my thighs together to stop the trail from making it past my hem line. We walked back up the hill and ran into some politicians. I wondered was I the only one enticed? Did anyone else notice?
I am now back at my desk and I'm going to try and focus on my work. I think the remainder of my day has gotten more interesting ;-)

The Countdown

I sat at my desk waiting for the instructed time. Not too early and not too late. In my cubicle I sat wanting to suck the juice out of my panties if given the chance.
I stood up at my desk lifted my dress and grabbed the g-string with both thumbs and slid them over my ass and down my thighs. Stood there as if I was in my bedroom putting on a show. Seducing my audience. In my mind the entire office was watching but in reality no one saw.
I slid my panties down to my ankles sat down in my chair, looked, took a pic, and played with the panties with the heels of my shoes. Legs wide open for a spectator that should have been under my desk. I grabbed them feeling how damp they were. Ms. Kitty soaked them today. I squeezed them and played with them in my hands before decided to lay my panties on my desk. I folded them neatly and put them behind my desk phone. Ensuring that they can not be seen by anyone that decides to walk in my area.
I don't touch and I get back to work. I know the panties are there and He knows they are there. While working I lean my face against my left hand (my thinking position). The scent. It's so fucking stimulating. The scent transferred to my fingers and it lingers. I am aroused. I am dripping. I am going to be a good girl.