Sunday, July 3, 2011

It is already written

I believe everything happens for a reason and some days I think that the divine plan already has order and we are just minions living out the story that is already written. Either way, I feel that He was placed in my life at a time when the story was due to change. At a time when I was ready and realized, understood, and accepted that I should live my life based on my happiness and not trying to make everyone else happy while neglecting my own feelings.
I'm wondering if He came earlier would my curiosity been enough to coax my willingness. If He came later would I have been a bitter woman blind to her own blessings.
Not far from a year and I have grown in many ways. From Him and through Him I gained the knowledge that I needed. Received the information that inspired me and sparked me to do things that I didn't have the knowledge to do. Driven me to continue to learn and use my resources for continued advancement.
"In the beginning" I told Him that W/we are in each others lives for a reason. I still don't know what that reason is but the journey to that realization is precious and I cherish every moment.
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