Thursday, August 11, 2011

Only 186 miles away

Laying in this KING sized bed sometimes I feel so alone. As long as I keep my eyes closed and the memories flowing I will be alright. You have my spirit and my mind. Yes the first thought when I rise and the last thought before I go to sleep. My dreams are filled with You even the ones I don’t remember. Nothing tangible for me to squeeze or caress. Just the last touch, the last kiss, the last spanking, and tug of my hair. The last word spoken always is you. The last embrace, the last whiff of You. I hold onto it all. On nights like this when I wish…You come to me traveling ∞ speeds on a breeze then get to my window and slooowly drift by me. I take You all in. I remember. I remember that next time I will store all these moments in my chestbox of treasures to pull out on nights like this.

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