Friday, October 22, 2010

Friday, October 22, 2010

This date, this stamp in time will be remembered.  This is the day that I have been waiting for the past few weeks.  Today I am meeting the man that I am giving myself to.  The man that I trust with my fears and insecurities.
Today is the beginning of my weekend training. This weekend I will open up and be myself completely. I will be humble and I am ready to learn and grow with my Dom.
It feels like such a long wait but patience was necessary.  I’m like a new college student ready to learn and looking forward to the experiences that await me.  I am so excited to finally see him, feel him.  To hear his voice and watch his lips move as the words come out. To put a smile on his face because he likes what he sees in front of him.  I feel like I am being reunited with a loved one that I lost connection with in the past and I am eager to start over and rebuild.
I want to get a better understanding of this lifestyle and be able to put all my readings into perspective and relate with my own experiences which I will later share.
Although I may not get an answer so soon; I want to understand the reason for our connection and our overall purpose for coming together.

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