Thursday, June 2, 2011

Consistency & Progression

I am going to take a new approach to my training. I am going to push myself harder than I have been. Lately I feel like I have just been doing so I am going to push. In some areas I may not have mental limits but I have them physically or vice versa. I am still working with the humiliation factor. I think if I had a mask then I would be okay with it, matter of fact I know I would. I know there are other areas I need to approve in but I can't think of them now.
I have to continue to be consistent with my actions in a session. I know what to do but I often get so excited to see Master I often forget my modes. Well not forget but forget to put them in practice. Again I have to be consistent that is the only way that it will truly be second nature. Long distance is hard because there is so much time in between each session I just have to stay focused.
I don't think I have issues with discipline mainly because I respect and trust my Master with everything. I will continue to be consistent in this area. What He says I do. What He likes I make mental notes and make changes. I think the biggest thing I am working on is my physical appearance and my sex appeal and that is a continuous work in progress. Even harder now since all my clothes are too big from working out and working hard. Like He said I need to slow my metabolism down and stop dropping sizes. Continue my workouts and sculpting His body the way that He wants. Like a piece of art; modeling clay. Shape me to fit the image in His mind. I like it. I love it. It seems easy cause I was on the workout path before but I wasnt doing it correctly.
Meditations I have been consistent. Readings I want to progress and I have started to pick up books to feed His mind. Continue to read stories and blogs of other submissives as well as interact with them on social sites or text (if time permits).
Wanting to be better, wanting to do better. Continuing to strive for better.
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